Friday, March 30, 2012

Generation X

I love this statement because it really does speak true to our generation. We are the generation that expresses ourselves through piercings and tatoos and thats just the way it is. And I think thats my favourite thing about us is that we do things to please ourselves and not our parents or peers. We are individuals and I hope that future generations follow in our footsteps of being creative and never being satisfied with pleasing anyone less than ourselves.   

Alligator Whisperer

CUBA 2012

                         (My friends and I in front of the statue in the town square of Moron City)

During March Break this year I went to Cuba with my friends for the week. It was well worth every penny that I spent because, I had the time of my life. There were parties every night and good times to be had. It gave me the oppertunity to make new friends bond with the one I already had and experience life as an independent person. Going to Cuba was a huge eye opener for me to realize all the luxuries that I have at home. We able to get off the resort one day and see a real Cuban town and it wasn' what I expected, it was as if we had stepped back in time to the 50's because eveyrthing from the cars to the buildings were so simple and old. By leaving the country and going someqwhere without my parents really gave me the travellers itch to want to do more of it later in life. So I'm so glad I went to Cuba and really had one of the best March breaks of my life

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday, March 8, 2012


So today at school we had our annual Pancake Breakfast, we do this every year to celebrate Winter Carnival week at school before the march break. To be honest it is one of the most exhausting and stressful events we do. This morning I got up at 5:45 am in order to make it to the school for 6:30 in order to make a bunch of highschool student pankcakes. Now not that I'm complaining about it because, I really do enjoy doing these types of events for my school; mainly because I'm Vice President. Yet it was an odd feeling knowing that this would be the last one I would ever be a part of, so as I was standing there mixing batter. I actually began to savour every minute of it. But the one thing I will never miss is the fact that for the rest of the day, I will smell like a pancake.

Dreams Can Come True

                                        Not much more can be said....

Friday, March 2, 2012


All I can really say about this is that she is absolutely stunning, yet I can only see her eyes. People always say that women who wear Hijab's are women who are opressed and unhappy wiht their lives but, its all a part of their religion in regards to the Islamic faith and modesty. From what I can see, these women have the ability to look stunning without all the extra glitz and glam of society. I am literally lost in her eyes and all their beauty, and this shows how little we know about different cultures. This makes me want to learn more about their society and beliefs.

Our Planet

NASA recently released imagery showing the deforestation of America, in just 34 years. We truly are destroying our planet and, if this isn't a wake up call. Then I don't think things will ever change and that to me is an extremely sad thought.


Imagine if life were that simple, I wish this was an actual way of getting know people. You would know so many more people and, on a even deeper level how we get to know people now. I want you to think about it, how well do you really know your friends even your family members. The concept of really and truly knowing someone is a scary thing to consider because, as humans we put up walls in order to protect ourselves and to let someone completely in is such an interesting thought. I just hope that in my life time people will become more open about themsleves and to other people because, I think that will be a start in the direction to true and utter happiness.

So True

                                            I love this because of how true it really is....


                                        (I am in the middle row, last one on the left in the plaid shirt)

Ever since I was little, I have always been the semi active type. Never one to be over invovled in sports but, did participate in some activities. As a child my mom signed me up for many things like soccer, swimming, gymnastics and dance, in the hopes thta one of them would stick. And some did the gymnastics and dance became my new passions as a child. Then I was pulled out of gymnastics because my mother was afraid of me becoming to competitive at the tender age of five. So I stuck with dance until the studio closed then my mother decided to stick me in something she knew I would love choir, and I did love it every week from the age of seven to thriteen years old. Man did I ever love to sing, but I wasn't really the best at standing still and singing. I was always the one jumping and dancing in the back because i simply couldn't help myself.Then my choir director moved to Africa so, I needed another outlet and my mother chose an theatre studio called Duck Soup Productions and that is where I have been since Gr. 8 and I've loved every minute of it. What I'm really trying to say is that I'm glad that my mom kept putting me in new things once something was over or she thought is wasn't good for me because, without all of those tyoes of outlets. I wouldn't be the person I am today and for that I am grateful.