Thursday, March 8, 2012


So today at school we had our annual Pancake Breakfast, we do this every year to celebrate Winter Carnival week at school before the march break. To be honest it is one of the most exhausting and stressful events we do. This morning I got up at 5:45 am in order to make it to the school for 6:30 in order to make a bunch of highschool student pankcakes. Now not that I'm complaining about it because, I really do enjoy doing these types of events for my school; mainly because I'm Vice President. Yet it was an odd feeling knowing that this would be the last one I would ever be a part of, so as I was standing there mixing batter. I actually began to savour every minute of it. But the one thing I will never miss is the fact that for the rest of the day, I will smell like a pancake.

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