Monday, February 13, 2012

Celebrities that Die Young and What Happens After

So on Saturday night when i got home from babysitting, I came home to hear the news that Whitney Houston had passed away. When I heard this news I was actually in shock, because just a wek before i had read an article about a movie she had just finished filming. This was in people's opinion her comeback to stardom. I think this hits home for me because I grew up listening to Whitney with my mom, we used to belt the "The Bodyguard" soundtrack in the car all the time. But something that one of my frineds said today really struck a chord wiht me. She said "People are only really care about her now, because she is dead and it doesn't matter how talented she might have been. She will be forevevr known as a talented singer who died suddenly and that's all." This really did in a strange and blunt way, make sense. This happenes with all celebrities and Whitney is no exception, any celebrity that dies before their time is put into a special group of stars who died young like Marilyn Monroe, Amy Winehouse, Britney Murphy, Heath Ledger, Kurt Kobain, Micheal Jackson, etc. These people will go down in infamy and not for what they might have done wrong in the past but for how they died and the age that it happened. Not to say that this is a bad thing its just funny, to think that people that might have thought of Micheal Jackson as a alledged child molester will now think of him as "King of Pop". As for Whitney she had an incredibly sucessful career until she became addicted to crack cocaine. So I think that something that must be remebered is that although it is sad that they died young, the bad things that they have done can't be erased. With doing this you let them continue to be nothing more than human and I think that's something to be respected. Rest In Peace Whitney you will truly be missed by millions xoxox.

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